A well-prepared and well-equipped laboratory is the first line of defense against COVID-19. Recognizing the urgent need for accurate and safe testing The Indus Hospital’s BSL 3 Laboratory has come forward to host the testing service for the patients coming to any of the Indus Health Network’s healthcare facilities as well as supporting the Government’s requirements. The Laboratory underwent quick upgrade to test, report, and respond to any suspected cases along with routine disease surveillance. It rapidly expanded its testing capacity
Karachi In response to a recent local government directive to speed up the killing of street dogs and the outcry of the public over the notification, The Indus Hospital (TIH) appealed to the local government to allow our Rabies Free Pakistan Program to resume its dog vaccination and sterilization field activities in Karachi during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Karachi As part of the PKR 1 billion Hussain Dawood Pledge, Engro Fertilizers (a subsidiary of Engro Corporation) has committed to provide PKR 95 million in financial assistance to The Indus Hospital to expand COVID-19 testing capacity across Sindh and strengthen the health sector to cope with the ongoing pandemic.
The Indus Health Network (IHN) in collaboration with Interactive Research and development continues to implement innovative initiatives in Pakistan to reduce the burden of TB. IHN is the principal recipient for the MDR-TB – a grant awarded by The Global Fund for Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Through the grant Zero TB initiatives in Karachi and Peshawar are being implemented in partnership with public and private sector partners. IHN has been successful in delivery of innovative services and best practices for