Ayesha, a mother of five, embarked on a journey to Indus Hospital & Health Network’s Sheikh Saeed Memorial Trust Hospital in Korangi, seeking a safe haven for the birth of her fifth child. Her previous experiences at previous hospitals had left her with accumulating medical bills, making her search for a more viable option.
Fortunately, her previous hospital referred her to Indus Hospital & Health Network, renowned for providing free, high-quality medical care. Ayesha’s trust in the hospital’s expertise was well-placed, as she underwent a successful cesarean section when her child was born prematurely at 28 weeks.
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Indus Hospital & Health Network sprang into action, providing Ayesha’s baby with the specialised care needed to thrive. The NICU’s advanced life support equipment, including incubators, ventilators, and monitors, ensured the tiny infant received round-the-clock attention.
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at IHHN is dedicated to the specialised and intensive care of newborns who are born prematurely, have low birth weight, have congenital abnormalities, have respiratory problems, or are critically ill. The NICU has highly trained staff and advanced life support equipment designed to meet the unique medical needs of newborn babies, such as phototherapy lights, baby warmers, and feeding tubes.
Ayesha’s gratitude for the exceptional care her baby received is palpable. She praises the hospital’s staff for their compassion, expertise, and dedication to maintaining impeccable standards of cleanliness. As she visits her baby daily, Ayesha is reassured by the NICU’s commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment.
Her story is a shining example of the transformative power of donor support. The Indus Hospital & Health Network’s ability to provide free, quality medical care is made possible by the generosity of donors around the world. These contributions enable the hospital to maintain state-of-the-art facilities, attract top medical talent, and deliver compassionate care to those who need it most. By supporting our mission, donors can help bridge the gap in maternal healthcare, ensuring that more women like Ayesha receive the care they deserve.